Voodoo Rhythm Records
Street: 01.24
The Sex Organs = The Jackets + The Anomalys
By reading this, one would hope that the reader has a keen taste for the primitive sounds found in the garage or in the absurdly kinky. Ideally, one would have both well in hand. The Sex Organs are Jack Torera of The Jackets and Bone of The Anomalys. Together they have ventured to the deepest reaches of outer space and have come back as fuzzy sex organs. Onstage, they morph into the incarnations of members of “…the planet cunt, the other part of band, from the planet prick.” Complete with vicious teeth and a huge eye, their purpose on Earth is clearly to destroy all that is sacred by desecrating listeners with the trash-driven sounds of their raucous rock n’ roll. Listening to Intergalactic Sex Tourists, the result will be just that. Any other reaction might reveal a lack of humor or even taste.
Read the full Sex Organs album review published at SLUG Magazine!!