By Aron Mikkelsen
The Freak Out is an all vinyl DJ night that is held on the first and third Saturday of the month at The Republican in Salt Lake City, Utah.The night is meant to inspire from the crypts of our DJ’s who break out top selections of the rawest and most criminal elements of Punk, Junkshop Glam, Bubblegum, Power Pop, Garage and Mod. One can surely expect the chills and thrills of volatile hits and misses from the likes of 999, The Clash, The Stranglers, Purple Hearts, The Strangeloves, Slade, The Sweet, The Damned, Ex-Cult, Fashionsim, Giuda, Faz Waltz, The Cute Lepers, The Briefs and much more!!
Hosting this mess of a party is DJ Nix Beat with guests like the infamous Portland, Oregon DJ Andy Maximum aka Andy Mehos and Salt Lake’s own DJ Eric Jenson.
Everyone is welcome. Regular attendees are the curious and sensational outcasts, misfits, rockers ,rollers punkers, romantics and idealistic rebels. Most of all though, remember, it’s a night for you and your wild and uncontrollable imagination and angsty desires. We at the Freak Out seek to entertain and most of all cultivate a community of the like-minded. So, cum down and Freak Out!!

It’ll be a night of only the best and worst choices to make on a Saturday Night. So dress up and cum check out The Freak Out at The Republcian