Chinese Junk — Permanent Reduction EP

Chinese Junk

Permanent Reduction EP

Black Wax Records

Street: 02/14/2021

Chinese Junk is a punk rock super group formed by members of The Griswalds, The Ulcers, and The Unreleasables. They are Ben Nuthink, Steve Legend and Daz Reject.  Their debut release Permanent Reduction EP was recorded in during a short session in a practice room and it sounds adequately as raw. It’s fast, rambunctious, snotty and borders on the ridiculously simple nature of an early Ramones record. In other words, it’s the perfect noise to accompany the bashing about of guitars, bass and drums while guzzling budget pizza and beer.

The first track “Cheaper Than You” perfectly demonstrates Chinese Junk’s dedication to the affinity of rabid riffs and smug defiance. The tracks starts out the classic shout out with a “1,2,3,4,” before swallowing it’s listeners with their unabashed junk food rock n’ roll. Think the speed of the Ramones with the nihilism of Dead Boys or Johnny Thunders and The Heartbreakers.

The tracks “Best Before Date” and “Saturday Job” both capture a similar adolescent style. However, my favorite track is “Bargain Bin Girl.”  This one is fast and upbeat with a kind of flattery for the missed connection at the charity shop. So, if you ever needed a punk song that sums up falling for the thrifty girl at your local second hand shop, then this track is for you.

The Permanent Reduction EP is the first release of the newly established Black Wax records. This label was started during the tail end of 2020 and is seeking to put out new and exciting punk and rock n’ roll acts. It’s fair to say that Chinese Junk captures the quite familiar approach to punk rock. Their songs waste little time on formalities and get straight to the point—and that’s what makes them fun.

Although there are currently a lack of live performance to witness, playing Chinese Junk’s Permanent Reduction EP obnoxiously loud comes close and is recommended. Under the right conditions, listeners can thrash around the living room, dodging beer cans and greasy fast-food boxes, as if they were at a gig.  So remember the good times, pick this record up from Black Wax and give it a spin.

For more about Chinese Junk, check out their Facebook.



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